Christmas Eve Services first one is at 5:00PM
Second service is at 6:30PM
Mt Hope Kids Camp Jan 3rd- 4th
Grades 9th- 12th
Topic is “Deep Roots”
If you are interested in going we will cover your way!
The cost per person is $25.00
Contact Pastor Josh Wood 530-632-7620
@ David and Becky’s Home
Everyone is Welcome! 8:00PM-Midnight
High School kids are welcome to stay all night until 7:00AM. Bring snacks and there will be fun to have!
Play games and fellowship by a big bond fire!
If you are looking to connect to a group go to our Church Ministries tab to see the different ministries we have going on here at the church.
Worship Service Times click on Home Tab
You may also call the Church Office
(530-743-5435) for further information