Life Together Groups 2024
                                           Begins March 6th
            Schedule below, please note 2 homes provide Childcare
If you would like to join one of the small groups please contact
Pastor David Rice 530-701-6246
Life Together Group are small groups that meet on Wednesday evenings either in homes or at the church for a time of bible lessons and fellowship.

1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month 6pm-Leaders/Sites/Contact Info

Theresa Palma (her home) 530-692-1817
Josh Groce (Pastor David’s home) 530-632-1841  **Childcare provided**                  Conroy Ellenson (Shinn’s home) 916-835-4573


2nd & 4th Wednesdays each month 6pm-Leader/Site/Contact Info
Scott & Hannah Berry (their home) 530-368-6294  **Childcare provided**




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