Evangel Bible Translators, Int’l      Lubeck Knee Mail Update, May 2024



To view most recent update from John and Diana please click on link below:

Dear Knee Mail Buddies,

         What a blessing it is for us to be able to share with you all the victories, the challenges, and the adventures of our journey serving the Lord here in Guatemala. Next week will take us to Orlando, Florida. Open up this letter and read all about it. We love you all and bless you in the name of Jesus.

Joyfully in Jesus,

John and Diana Lubeck


Gifts and donations can be made by sending a check made out to our mission with a note added saying it is for the ministry of John and Diana Lubeck. Additionally, donations may be made using a credit or debit card by calling the mission office and giving them the information. If you wish to help with a certain project, please mention it in your note and we’ll be sure to use the funds as you have designated.


Mission address: Evangel Bible Translators, Intl,

PO Box 669, Rockwall, TX 75087

(949) 923-0080


John & Diana Lubeck
Email: john.lubeck@gmail.com
Tel: 011 502 5912-5588