Our desire at LRCC is to help people:

  • Grow into an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ
  • Love one another as Christ loves us
  • Make a positive impact in our community and in the world for God‘s glory
Help and bless others by serving them. As we serve others we shine the self-less, loving actions of Christ and inherently draw people to Jesus. Our human nature tends to focus upon ourselves; but as we walk closer with God, our focus shifts towards serving and ministering to others. 

People are the Church, the body of Christ, and they are important to us and to God. When a person enters through the doors of Loma Rica Community Church we welcome that person with a sincere expression of Christ’s love, joy and kindness. One of the greatest schemes of the adversary is to bring disunity to the Church through cliquish behavior and division, but the closer we walk with God, the stronger is our heart’s desire to bring people into our lives and the Lord into theirs. 

Grow means that we are to mature and develop in the character of Christ. It is a daily process and commitment that transforms our lives into what God has created us to be. God has given us His Word to give us knowledge and guidance, His Son to serve as our model and the Holy Spirit to provide encouragement, comfort and direction. As part of our walk with God, we should faithfully attend services, participate in Covenant Relationship Groups, as well as reach out in ministry opportunities which allow us to grow spiritually and bless others in Christ’s love. 

Intimate refers to worship, prayer and our commitment to God’s Word. Worship from the heart, and as we lift our praises to God, His anointing and presence will be upon us every time whether we do so corporately or individually. Prayer allows us to communicate and deepen our relationship with God. Through intimate prayer with God we communicate our concerns, thoughts, confessions and needs, as well as expressing our adoration and praise to Him. God has given His Word as our daily bread, our spiritual sustenance. Our intimacy with Him is strengthened and elevated through learning the Word. Rejoice in intimacy with God through singing praise, praying and receiving His Word! God is with us always. 

Relationship with God is by His grace and mercy and not by laws and religion. God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we can be forgiven and redeemed of our sins. Because of what Jesus did on the cross for us, we can have an eternal relationship with Him as our Friend, our Lord, our Savior. Indeed, such a relationship should not be routine nor lifeless, rather it should be a living and vital relationship! God desires a close, intimate relationship with us, so seek God first in all things, and He will handle our needs, concerns and cares and direct our steps. 

Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, because of His love for us, gives us the gift of eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. We have all sinned against God, yet by simply believing in what Jesus did for us, we can be assured of an eternal future in Heaven. Jesus is truly our Friend as well as our Lord, and His love is awesome! 

Love is the essence of God. Through Jesus and His Word, God shows us how to walk in love, love one another, love the lost and those who stray, love by showing acts of kindness and encouragement, love by forgiving those who may have hurt us in some way, love by humbly and faithfully serving, and love by stepping out in faith in the directions that God calls us to follow. To love God is to walk and live in the character of Jesus Christ, for God is love! 

Impact is our ability as Christians to affect those around us through the character and love of Jesus Christ in us. Our words as well as actions need to be instruments of encouragement and edification based on love and respect. Not only should we unashamedly share the Good News whenever opportunities arise, but we should also be people who, by our daily walk with the Lord and His expression of love and joy, attract those around us who desire what the Lord has brought into our lives. 

God created us. God cares about us. God loves us and wants to bless us. God desires us to truly know Him and have a close relationship with Him. As we get closer to God, the more we value what He created and the more we value those people that He brings into our lives. Let us love and encourage one another as God does with us. Always remember that God loves you!